Bruker Makes Elemental Analysis Quick and Easy with These Three XRF Analyzer Models
The XRF Advantage
Whether you’re analyzing the composition of soil, food products or metal alloys, portable X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analyzers are the go-to tools for elemental analysis. And with the Bruker family of products, you can meet your specific needs for academic research, analyzing scrap metal or meeting regulatory requirements. The analyzers are even being used to determine authenticity and fabrication details of collectible art pieces.
While each of the Bruker XRF product lines, Titan series, CTX series and Tracer, are designed with different applications in mind, they all come with the latest generation of innovative Bruker technology. Technology like the patented SharpBeam™ geometry, which provides superior performance at low power.
Bruker XRF analyzers are specifically designed to be used in the field. That’s why the designs are compact, lightweight and the handheld models are ergonomically designed. It’s also why they come in IP54 rated housing, to stand up to the humid and dusty environments you find in manufacturing.
The capabilities of Bruker XRF analyzers are expanded with included software like Bruker Instrument Toolbox–PC software for controlling and communicating with the analyzer—and optional software like EasyCal™ which helps create user-defined empirical correlations.
Regardless of your positive material identification (PMI), mineral exploration, regulated material, or environmental requirements, Bruker has the ideal portable XRF analyzer for your application.
Bruker Models
S1 Titan Series

The S1 Titan handheld XRF analyzer is one of the fastest and most accurate units on the market today. It’s also one of the lightest, weighing in at just under 1.5 kg with battery, enabling “all-day” point-and-shoot material analysis.
A standard in the metal recycling industry, the S1 Titan is perfect for on-site determination of elemental concentration, alloy identification and scrap value. The S1 Titan comes with convenient features like an integrated camera (640 x 480 pixels) to provide sample visualization and accurate location of the measurement spot. And you can communicate with the S1 Titan via Bluetooth, Wi-Fi or USB to remotely control the unit and download the data.
The S1 Titan also comes with advanced technologies like SMARTGrade® timing, SharpBeam® optimized geometry and Cube™ SDD detector. Other features include the following:
- Easy analysis of light elements without the need for vacuum or helium atmosphere
- Lower detection limits
- Targeted touch-screen color display
- 50 kV X-ray tube
- Data stored internally or on a USB flash drive
- Add-on calibration packages for various industries
CTX Series
At 7.1 kg and only 35 cm high, the CTX is the lightest and smallest double safety interlocking portable desktop XRF analyzer on the market. The CTX is perfect for field labs doing routine elemental analysis on small and prepared samples, and those presented in cups, bottles and bags.
The self-contained, battery-operated portable

CTX with stainless steel body has a minimal footprint and works with or without an external PC. And transportation to and from the field is easy with your choice of an optional waterproof and pressure equilibrated Pelican case or protective backpack.
The CTX has all the features you expect in a Bruker handheld model, but in a self-contained, safety interlocked portable unit. Like the handheld units, the CTX comes with SharpBeam™ technology and silicon drift detector (SDD) with CUBE™ technology. The CTX also comes with patented TITAN DetectorShield™ to protect against detector puncture. Other features include the following:
- Adjustable automated X-ray voltage and current for measurement optimization
- Touchscreen user interface
- WiFi and Bluetooth data transfer
- No setup required—no additional cabling required
- Powered by Lithium-Ion battery or via 110/220V AC adapter
- Add-on software Artax™ for advanced composition analysis
Tracer 5g & 5i

For elemental analysis in the field or laboratory-like settings, the Tracer 5 family of handheld portable XRF analyzers work well for industries from food safety to plant and soil health.
The Tracer 5i detects elements from sodium to uranium and analyzes elements from magnesium to uranium. With its 8-micron beryllium detector window, selectable spot sizes and the ability to work without a vacuum, the 5i is perfect for fine art authentication where it can be used to evaluate pigments, approximate dating and determine authenticity.
The newest model, Tracer 5g, with its ability to control all excitation parameters and incorporate user-defined excitation filters, is ideally suited for cutting edge research in the geological sciences.
The Tracer 5g comes equipped with a new, state-of-the-art one-micron graphene window which dramatically improves the sensitivity of the analyzer for light elements such as sodium, magnesium, aluminum and silicon. And the front end of the 5g provides over 3x the count rate of previous generation equipment.
The Tracer 5 family of analyzers come with the Bruker advanced technologies found in other models including SharpBeam™ technology, CUBETM technology and Bluetooth, USB and WiFi connectivity. They also come with Artax™ software, for advanced spectral analysis and the capability of viewing the spectrum live as it’s being collected. Other features include the following:
- Interchangeable collimator for different spot sizes
- Integrated processor
- Interactive touch screen
- Internal camera
- The ability to output data in Excel format
- Capable of operating in air, helium or vacuum environments
Berg Engineering: The Perfect Complement to Bruker XRF Analyzers
As good as the Bruker XRF analyzers are, you still need a strong partner for the best user-experience possible, and that’s where Berg Engineering comes in. Berg Engineering is a factory-authorized distributor for all of Bruker’s XRF analyzer products, and they offer so much more.
Berg Engineering is here to support you from product research to purchase and post-purchase training and support. To make it convenient, they also offer product training both remotely and at the client site. You are also welcome to try before you buy through Berg’s daily, weekly or monthly rental offerings.
Whether it’s fast shipment or expert advice, Berg Engineering is there for all your XRF analysis needs. Berg Engineering is the complete solution provider for all your nondestructive testing needs. Contact Berg Engineering to learn more about the Bruker family of XRF analyzers or for any of your other test equipment needs at 847-577-3980, email info@bergeng.com or to request more information, click here.